Microsoft Announces Silverlight 5

Microsoft has announced Silverlight 5 to developers at an online event. Unless Adobe can get Flash to work correctly (stable 64-bit, use less than 100% CPU), I see Silverlight replacing it soon. Not to mention it is on the WP7 and XBox 360 now.

Introducing Silverlight 5, Guthrie said the next version is a “major new release” that brings new enhancements for media. Silverlight 5 introduces the following support:

  • Hardware media decoding – can stream 1080p video on Netbooks
  • Trickplay – variable playback of video and audio including pitch correction
  • Power management – less battery used during playback and richer power management
  • Remote control – 10ft experience against a PC and can take advantage of remote controls for playback
  • 64-bit version of Silverlight
  • Databinding enhancements