Ballmer To Leave Microsoft After Windows 8

An anonymous source (Voldemort, perhaps: “who shall remain nameless”) claims that Steve Ballmer will be leaving Microsoft after the release of Windows 8. Is this true or false? I seriously doubt it, although I wouldn’t rule it out.

The source indicates that whether or not Windows 8 is received as a success in the marketplace, Steve Ballmer sees it as his final accomplishment at Microsoft.

If it is successful, it will be the perfect time to leave on top and it will be his legacy – the successful reimagining and reinvention of Windows.

If it is not successful, the calls for his resignation will be deafening and it will be an appropriate time to hand the reigns over to someone else.

Here’s where it gets interesting.

The source also said that Steven Sinofsky is absolutely the number 1 pick to take over as CEO after Ballmer but there is one MAJOR caveat – also, the success of Windows 8.

Steven Sinofsky, more than any other Microsoft executive is associated with the development of Windows and it will be absolutely impossible for him to get the top job if Windows 8 is not successful.