Windows 8 In The Enterprise

With the release of the Release Preview of Windows 8, there have been a lot of consumer complaints. There has been a little talk on the enterprise side, but not a lot. This guy has some valid points on Windows 8 in the enterprise, and why it may or may not be quite ready for your office desk. He thinks it may be, but many others have their doubts.

Where Microsoft has been lacking is in focusing on the enterprise story. The need to do a better job conveying what organizations can expect. How does Active Directory play with Windows 8? Can I use my infrastructure to host roaming profiles instead of SkyDrive? And many other questions. I believe that there is a wealth of potential it is just going to take some work to get there but in the end I believe that we will be in a better place because of the change. The possibilities are endless so go out and reimagine your enterprise to take advantage of the last technologies out there.