Riskiest Product Bet For MS: Windows 8?

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Steve Ballmer has said in an interview that the next version of Windows will be their riskiest product yet. Let’s hope it is as revolutionary as they claim. I’ve been waiting!

But when we saw the leaked Windows 8 slide deck which looked to be from Microsoft (dated April 2010), the supposed early feature set concepts for Windows 8 looked solid, but weren’t anything I’d call “risky.” Fast startup, facial recognition as a security option, better support for slates, a possible app store — all good, but not amazing. The one feature on the list that might be considered remotely risky (mostly in terms of the ability of Microsoft to deliver it)? Push-button reset, which allegedly would reinstall Windows while maintaining all of your personal files, applications and settings.

What Microsoft Knows About You & Windows 7

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There is an option when installing Windows called the Customer Experience Improvement Program that allows Microsoft to collect anonymous information about how you use your computer. While this isn’t too bad, and I find it interesting, there are some people out there that would rather not share that information with anyone. There is a way to turn it off, if you don’t like it.

But some of the other numbers might give you pause. Did you realize, for example, that Microsoft knows how many times its users click on the Start menu? How often they use certain Aero features? How many programs get pinned to the taskbar?

Windows 7: One Year Later

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Windows 7 was officially launched to the public October 22nd, 2009. Tomorrow is the 1 year anniversary of the launch. So, how did it do in that one year? Extremely well, I’d say, with 240 Million licenses sold. Congrats, Microsoft, and Happy Birthday to Windows 7!

“I think Windows 7 has exceeded expectations,” said Gavriella Schuster, general manager of Windows Product Management. “People from the very beginning have had an optimistic forecast. I actually felt in the beginning we needed to temper expectations a bit… but a year later, we’re on track. We’re right where we thought we would be. It’s been a good year – it’s a year to celebrate.”

Windows Embedded Comes To Automobiles

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Microsoft, not being content in just being on your desk, your phone, and your laptop, has moved into the embedded department in your car. I thought they have a version of Windows running in certain Ford vehicles already? Ford SYNC? I believe this goes a step further. More details to follow!

Microsoft announced today that Windows Embedded Automotive technologies are powering the touch-screen Information Hub for the 2011 Nissan LEAF electric car. The hub gives LEAF drivers and passengers a navigation system and electricity charging station locator. It also shares power consumption monitoring information with drivers, and enables easy in-car climate monitoring – all on top of a smooth, quiet electric ride. Be sure to check out a video of the car in action.

Ray Ozzie Leaving Microsoft

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Ray Ozzie has announced he is leaving Microsoft. Ozzie is Microsoft’s current Chief Software Architect after replacing Bill Gates. This is a surprise to many, as Ozzie has been a big part of Microsoft since the beginning. I’m wondering who will take his place?

“Ray contributed significantly to the early success of Windows,” Ballmer noted in his memo to Microsoft employees. “Since being at Microsoft, both through inspiration and impact he’s been instrumental in our transition toward a software world now centered on services.”

Kinect Launch List – 17 Titles

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Going back to the days of old, with Sega and Nintendo (and NEC for you Turbografx lovers!) announcing “launch” titles. Microsoft has a list of 17 titles for their launch of the Kinect. However, like Sega and Nintendo, only a few are available the day of the launch. The rest come a couple weeks later. No big deal for some, but a bit misleading if you want a launch game on the official launch day! Some great titles, and I’m sure I’m going to have to pick one up for my wife: Zumba!

The seventeen-game lineup also includes three dancing games (Dance Central, Zumba Fitness, and DanceMasters), four exercise games (Your Shape: Fitness Evolved, The Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout, EA Sports Active 2.0, and the aforementioned Zumba Fitness), and two ‘boarding games (Adrenalin Misfits and Sonic Free Riders). See the full list after the break.

Windows Phone 7 Devices: Expandable Memory

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NeoWin has done some digging and found some pages on HTC’s store that list memory expansions, in the form of MicroSD cards, for the Windows Phone 7 platform. Although it may just be one device, it does seem to lend credibility to the fact that some devices will have expandable memory. This is extremely good news, not for those with iPhone that doesn’t have any slots, but for those of us with Android powered phones that love the extra memory. They will keep us updated, and I would love to know the outcome.

Up until now, most of the reports have said “no”, which to users of any other smart phone (excluding the iPhone) seems a little odd. Many of the devices announce so far have been announce with only 8GB of memory, with a few having 16GB options. Compare that to the iPhone 4, which comes in 16GB and 32GB variants (with rumours that a 64GB version might come), or an Android device with expandable memory, and you’re left wondering why Windows Phone 7 devices are stuck at 8GB.

TGDaily Spews Anti-Microsoft Drivel

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TGDaily, known as a tech site with some good articles and commentary, has a new staff writer that has been going off on Microsoft using false information, as well as a very biased opinion. The first article wasn’t too bad, full of mis-information and very biased towards Apple. Their last article was basically sending insults to anyone who commented regarding their factual discrepancies, or expressed their opinion on the article. Very bad journalism, in my opinion. Microsoft isn’t perfect, and I can name 10 things that I don’t like about it. However, everything I can name I can put facts behind it, rather than calling my opinion a fact. We’ll see how this plays out. For a good laugh, check it out. Is this guy for real?!

But we are also shocked at the sudden reappearance of the Microsoft fanboi, whom the industry has long classified as a dying, if not extinct species.

Still, you have to give the Redmond worshippers credit.

Obviously, it isn’t easy defending a mercenary corporation whose primary claim to fame is a malware ridden, sub-par OS known as Windows.

UPDATE: TGDaily validated the posts, and endorses them. They do offer anyone to offer a counter point. However, it’s going to be extremely difficult to counter with the Author in question. I will be writing a piece today to counter his “thoughts”, and I will be sure to backup all of my facts with actual data.

Why is Google So Upset With Microsoft

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I’ve always found it poor form to put down the competition (even with Microsoft) without telling the consumer what you can do for them. Google has been dissing Microsoft, their phone, their OS, but with little to back it up. How can they put down the phone OS when Microsoft has been putting out phone OS’s with Windows Mobile before Google even had  an Android thought? I’m thinking that Windows Phone 7 is a much bigger competitor than both Apple and Google first imagined.

Clearly Micorosoft is a hugely profitable company with a great many products and product areas that directly bring revenue into the company.  Apple is the same with a great many product areas from servers to MP3 players that again bring in revenue.  They may not have as many product lines as Microsoft or the same market share but they’re doing extremely well.